Here’s What To Do Next...

Before You Go...

To help you implement what’s in the ebook, you’re invited to join me for Motivation Breakthrough Live!

This is a brain-body reset for the motivation, energy, and confidence to build your coaching business, happening April 24-26.

And it’s for women only!

Hey friend…

If you’re like most coaches, healers, practitioners, and therapists I’ve met… you invest a TON of energy to help your clients get unstuck from whatever’s holding them back.

And that’s amazing! Your work is an invaluable gift for each individual AND the world. 

But here’s the thing…

Your clients aren’t the only ones getting stuck. 

You see, coaches – and especially women coaches – are experiencing epidemic levels of getting stuck. Instead of charging forward with confidence, they’re procrastinating, spinning in self doubt, undercharging because they’re afraid to raise their prices, and more.

So if YOU ever feel this way… 

…you’re not alone! This is super common, especially for women.

And it’s just not possible to “get over it” or “get on with it.” Because the root cause of procrastination goes far deeper than most women realize… 

… and it’s costing us in terms of frustration, missed opportunities, and unfulfilled dreams that take a toll on your self-esteem and ability to really enjoy your business and life.   

That’s why your next chapter demands a brain-body reset, to help you take back FULL power over your life. 

To help you do that, I created a transformational event – for women only – called Motivation Breakthrough Live

A Brain-Body Reset for the Motivation, Energy, and Confidence to Build Your Coaching Business

And when you join me April 24-26…

You will experience a brain-body reset on a hormonal, neurochemical, and inner self-talk level… where true, lasting transformation takes place.

Session by session, you will experience profound, empowering transformation to free yourself from any self-doubt, procrastination, and self-sabotage holding you back…

…supercharge your energy, drive, and motivation… 

…and become the powerful, confident coach and leader you are meant to be.

Plus, you’ll do that in a sacred space with women only, where you’ll feel safe, supported, and celebrated. 

Once you experience this, your life will never be the same!

Keep in mind…

This is NOT a “how to” kind of event where you get a bunch of strategies, and then you’re left to figure them out on your own once it’s over.

It’s not about mindset or trying to “be more positive” either. Those approaches fall short of the big-energy breakthroughs required for big change. Instead…  

You will experience profound transformation in REAL TIME, at the event. 

I’ve helped thousands of people experience transformation at my live events over the past 12 years. And I’ve been at the forefront of the mind-body movement for 18 years as a thought leader and as a featured speaker at international conferences. So I can safely say…

These 3 days will change your life forever!

So click the button below to register (or click the link for details), and I’ll see you there. 

I’m so excited! 


Copyright 2024 | Margaret M. Lynch | All Rights Reserved