If you missed “How to Recharge Your Clients’ Motivation So They Get Unstuck & Take Confident Action” – or you want to recap what we covered – watch this video.


Here’s How to Use the Motivation Breakthrough Map In YOUR Business

Now that you have your Motivation Breakthrough Map (download a copy here)…

…and you’ve discovered the 5 layers of resistance and the exact step-by-step process to get anyone unstuck (watch the video above to recap)… 

…what’s next?

Well, next you want to start putting it to good use in your work with clients, of course! And to do that successfully, you need to go beyond information into EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING.

There just wasn’t enough time in our 45-minute free training for me to walk you through lots of hands-on practical activities and skill-building experiences. So I’m delivering an additional live event, during which you’ll immerse yourself in my proven Breakthrough Coaching Framework and learn how to help your clients get powerful breakthroughs – while YOU take your career and income to the next level.

You’rer invited to attend…

The Breakthrough Coaching Framework:

Super Skills Immersion for Women Coaches

March 1, 2 & 3, 2023


Breakthrough sessions that get your clients DRAMATIC RESULTS…

A versatile framework for defining your MARKETING, PACKAGES, and PRICING…

Uncommon coaching skills that have the power to CHANGE LIVES…

How to truly help people on your own terms, using your UNIQUE EXPERTISE… And much, much more…

Clients only care about results. So, facilitating breakthroughs CONSISTENTLY is the #1 secret to a successful coaching or consulting career.

Whether you’ve been running your business for years, or you’re just starting out, this is your opportunity to master the skills that will help your clients get past their blocks and achieve their big goals. 

In this immersive event, you’ll get to experience the power of a live breakthrough session and receive the complete script to get anyone unstuck (including YOU!). You’ll also learn why it works and how to give your clients breakthrough after breakthrough so they never get stuck again.

And the best part is…

This Breakthrough Coaching Framework immersion event is the closest you can get to my proven systems and secrets without being a part of my highest-end coach training program that people pay almost $10,000 to join.

But I’m inviting YOU to take advantage of these 3 full days with me and my team, learning and taking action LIVE to transform your business, your work, your life, and the lives of your clients…

…not at $10,000…

…not at $1,000…

…not even at the usual ticket price of $197…

For you today, it’s only $97.

So if you’re ready to gain valuable insights, practical tools, and personal experience to help you reach your goals and achieve success:

Click the button below and register for The Breakthrough Coaching Framework! 🙂


Copyright 2023 | Margaret M. Lynch | All Rights Reserved