The Motivation Breakthrough Map

Short Course

My 5-Layer Motivation Breakthrough Map is based on my 18 years of client session experiences AND teaching thousands of coaches and therapists how to give people true breakthroughs.

Includes access to the “Unstuck” video series!

The Motivation Breakthrough Map

Short Course

My 5-Layer Motivation Breakthrough Map is based on my 16 years of client session experiences AND teaching thousands of coaches and therapists how to give people true breakthroughs.

Includes access to the “Unstuck” video series!

Imagine knowing exactly how to help someone shift dramatically from freezing, holding back, procrastinating, playing small to enthusiasm, passion, inspired ideas and real action.

The first step to giving anyone a true, emotional and energy breakthrough from stuck to motivated is understanding exactly what is going on inside when anyone is stuck and exactly what needs to be done to move them all the way to excited, motivated and in action.  

I poured everything I know into this Motivation Breakthrough Map Masterclass so you can get the same life changing results for your clients again and again.

The Short Course Includes:

Video 1 - The 4 Ways People Get Stuck and How to Get them Unstuck

Video 2 - Overview of the Breakthrough Map and Breaking Through The Fight or Flight Effect

Video 3 - Breakthrough Through the Scary and Mean Self-Talk Layer

The 2-Page Motivation Breakthrough Map with Full Text

Video 4 - Breakthrough Through the Feelings Block Layer

Video 5 - Breakthrough Through the Painful, Messy, Judgeable Feelings Layer

Video 6 - Breakthrough Through the Heart Healing Layer into Motivation Recharge

The Short Course Includes:

The 2-Page Motivation Breakthrough Map with Full Text

Video 1 - The 4 Ways People Get Stuck and How to Get them Unstuck

Video 2 - Overview of the Breakthrough Map and Breaking Through The Fight or Flight Effect

Video 3 - Breakthrough Through the Scary and Mean Self-Talk Layer

Video 4 - Breakthrough Through the Feelings Block Layer

Video 5 - Breakthrough Through the Painful, Messy, Judgeable Feelings Layer

Video 6 - Breakthrough Through the Heart Healing Layer into Motivation Recharge

About Margaret

After 18 years of engineering management and winning top sales awards at Fortune 500 companies, Margaret left corporate America and to live her passion. In less than 4 short years, she created a three quarter of a million dollar business with over 115,000 worldwide subscribers using the exact techniques she teaches. She brings her transformational work to thousands of people from all over the globe through her wildly popular teleclasses programs, live events and as a frequent expert guest on radio and success focused events and summits.


the SECRET to

“Mind Reading”

Are you ready to claim the skills and insight that seem like X-Ray Vision…allowing you the practical know-how to get anyone unstuck?

The 2-Page Motivation Breakthrough Map with Full Text
Margaret Lynch Raniere’s signature Map revealing the framework of complex, truly sacred transformation in a simple but revealing multi-layer graphic. The map outlines both the things people most often complain about and how that relates directly to behaviors - things they are doing and avoiding doing - that are sabotaging their stated, conscious goals and intentions.

It shows how energy is moving and “depressed” when someone is feeling stuck or procrastinating vs how it moves when someone feels enthusiastic and motivated to act.

Inside the Map graphic are the 5 key layers that you must breakthrough to give anyone a true shift from stuck, frozen, unmotivated, procrastinating or doing busy work to excited, certain, confident and recharged with the energy to act.
Video 1 - The 4 Ways People Get Stuck and How to Get them Unstuck
Before you can learn how to use tapping or any approach to get anyone unstuck, out of holding back, freezing or self sabotaging and into new positive energy, motivation and action… you must understand the 4 ways that people get stuck.

This is the start of seeing beyond “the surface” of someone’s stuckness and stuck behavior for what is really going on underneath…the true “anti-motivation” hidden inside of them that shuts down or “depresses” positive energy and action.
Video 2 - Overview of the Breakthrough Map and Breaking Through The Fight or Flight Effect
A Deep Dive Teaching into Layer 1, with Learning Guide and Case Study.

After understanding the 4 ways people get stuck, you need to know the 5 actual layers that need to be “broken through” to completely shift anyone from totally stuck…and completely mystified by it…to a renewed rising positive energy, outlook and motivation to take enthusiastic action.

This is where you learn a new super power - X-Ray Vision - for the real blocks under anyone’s procrastination or self sabotage…including your own! (and you will always be right)

It starts with a deeper understanding of the 1st Layer - The Fight or flight Effect and its profound physiological impact on your clients ability to focus, think clearly, have better ideas and act decisively. It also sheds light on why people can act so defensively when they are stuck… someone tries to help or offer advice!
Video 3 - Breakthrough Through the Scary and Mean Self-Talk Layer
A Deep Dive Teaching into Layer 2, with Learning Guide and Case Study.

Layer 2 reveals something that you must know is there 100% of the time so you can hold the space to draw it out. Getting to this layer will reveal key information about the secret “what is at stake” fear that is driving your client’s stuckness AND the additional internal pressure and stress they are adding by how hard they are on themselves.
Video 4 - Breakthrough Through the Feelings Block Layer
A Deep Dive Teaching into Layer 3, with Learning Guide and Case Study.

Layer 3 explains the mystery so many coaches, therapists and Tapping Practitioners get thrown by. Instead you need to expect this layer, deeply understand what it means, what it “is saying” and exactly how to proceed when you hit this layer anytime in your work with a client. I also reveal when this layer is giving you important messages to slow down the work and proceed more thoughtfully in collaboration with your client.
Video 5 - Breakthrough Through the Painful, Messy, Judgeable Feelings Layer
Deep Dive Teaching into Layer 4, with Learning Guide and Case Study.

Layer 4 is where the action starts to happen and real progress to shift your client begins. But you must understand the true meaning or “language” of feelings and how they connect to each other or you can inadvertently allow a client to lead you right back out of this layer and into the safety of not feeling again. This layer can be the most challenging when coaches don’t see the fuller picture of how strong feelings need to voiced, heard and released before true transformational shifts in energy and perspective can happen.

Mastering this layer will have you wowing clients as you sound like a “mind-reader” who knows what they are feeling and how to lead the session - literally what to say next - to guide a deeply sacred and powerful emotional healing. Clients feel both deeply heard, safe and held in a contained, non-judgemental space when you recognize the power and importance of this layer in the overall goal of Recharging Motivation.
Video 6 - Breakthrough Through the Heart Healing Layer into Motivation Recharge
Deep Dive Teaching into Layer 5, with Learning Guide and Case Study.

Layer 5 is the true goal of the work in that is the true and profound space where tears are finally shed and the self is finally understood with wisdom and compassion. This is the healing space where one’s heart opens to oneself…allowing a true inner shift to deserving and claiming the truth about what they really want. This space inevitably leads to a Recharging surge of the energy of Motivation that comes with a new awareness, feeling and certainty about what one truly wants and recognition that they have truly waited long enough!

Layer 5 is required for a true shift and cannot be skipped. This is why people who are really stuck fail when they try to use mindset or strategy or think positively to change. The mind alone (which is in the fight or flight effect) and is the biggest barrier to feeling) cannot bring the energetic surge of enthusiasm, passion, certainty, courage and confidence. These are the energies that rebound after a true healing shift!
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