
Unblock Your SuperPowers

4-Part FREE Masterclass Series

How to Unleash the 4 SuperHero Energies to SuperCharge Yourself and Your Passion


Unblock Your SuperPowers

4-Part FREE Masterclass Series

How to Unleash the 4 SuperHero Energies to SuperCharge Yourself and Your Passion

CHAKRA 3:  Reclaiming Your Super Courage & Releasing Fear of Shining with Confidence

The Third Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra) represents self-esteem and willpower. Clear your third chakra blocks and feel confident, enthusiastic, and empowered to take bold, inspired action toward your dreams.

This is the third session of “Unblock Your SuperPowers” – 4-Part Free Masterclass Series.

Looking for the previous video? Click here to watch it now.